How To Transition Summer Dresses Into Fall


Lets face it, after a nice hot summer, wearing breezy dresses and open toed shoes or flip flops, the weather change from summer to fall can be a bit hard to adjust to. We can’t seem to let go of those mini and maxi dresses. Well you just may not have to. Just by adding a few items (either new or already in your closet) you can revamp your wardrobe with your summer dresses. Here’s how:

  1. Layer them over a sweater: wear your sleeveless dress over a fitted thin turtleneck sweater (try to avoid bulky sweaters)
  2. Layer them under a sweater: either wear a large sweater on top of a mini dress or a cardigan over a summer dress.
  3. Wear tights/leggings: try different styles, colors and patterns to go with your summer dresses
  4. Big scarf and any long boots: these essentials can be combined with any dress for that extra warmth
  5. Throw on a jacket or blazer: can be draped over your shoulders as well if you feel a little hot

Try out different shades and patterns to get that perfect fall look without letting go of your summer faves. ❤